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Women’s Intuition - Evening

  • 5260 Elvas Avenue Sacramento, CA, 95819 United States (map)

Women’s Intuition
Wednesday Evenings

October 2nd - November 6th
7:30pm - 9:30pm Pacific Time

This class is offered in-person and online

Prerequisite: Meditation 1 and a female body

This is a special meditation class for women, designed to allow you to know what you’re truly capable of as a spirit in a female body. Learn to trust your intuition, develop confidence and be truly aware of your boundless female creativity.

Get more information on our Women’s Classes

This six-week class meets once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.

Teacher: Rev. Aleta

Session 7 - Women's Intuition (Wed Evening, Oct to Nov)
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Women's Classes in Installments
Sale Price: $125.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks Original Price: $150.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
October 9

Meditation 1 - Evening

October 9

Novice Aura Reading - In-Person & Online