Upcoming Women’s Classes

The prerequisite for all classes is Meditation 1

Beginning Women’s Classes

Women’s Intuition

Prerequisites: Meditation 1 and a female body

Contribution: Women’s Intuition requires a donation of $250

Our Women’s Intuition class is designed to allow you to know what you’re truly capable of as a unique spirit in a female body.

  • Validate and celebrate being a spirit in a female body.

  • Let go of the guilt and responsibility you experience because you are a woman.

  • Stop being the effect of other people’s emotions, judgments, and competition.

  • Work with a healing guide whose sole purpose is to pamper, nurture and heal you.

  • Be friends with your own emotions and use them to heal yourself.

  • Own your female power and experience your divine feminine energy.

  • Discover your personal female healing powers and validate your wellness.

  • Communicate with your body in the highest vibration of joy, wellness, abundance and validation.

Women’s Healing

Prerequisites: Meditation 1, Women’s Intuition, and a female body

Contribution: Women’s Healing requires a donation of $250

Our Women’s Healing class builds upon the spiritual foundation created in Women’s Intuition, where you can trust your intuition, develop confidence, and be truly aware of your boundless female energy.

  • Experience freedom in a female body by using your psychic tools and working with your healing mistress to open up space and new possibilities.

  • Develop spiritual autonomy in the context of family, friends, and intimate relationships.

  • Release negative family patterns and behaviors, while learning to accept and validate your family heritage.

  • Work with your male and female energy and reset your wellness space for yourself.

  • Establish clarity and with your personal goals and certainty in your ability to manifest them as a unique spirit in a female body.

Additional Women’s Classes, Workshops, & Events

You & Your Mother

As women, our relationship with our mothers affects us deeply, often in an unconscious way. We are grateful for many things our mothers have taught us, but we are also separate entities with unique goals. In this class, start to say “hello” to your mother’s energy in your space and begin to release that which no longer serves you, including emotional energy, expectations, invalidation, perfect pictures and more.

This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

Prerequisite: A female body, and be a graduate of a Clairvoyant Program or a Clairvoyant Program student with director approval

Your Own Birth (YOB)

Your Own Birth is a special class that was first taught by our Founder VRR Dr. Lewis S. Bostwick.  He knew that in order to move certain energies you sometimes have to go back to conception and work the pictures from that point to birth.

Your Own Birth will take you from pre-conception to birth meditating on how your family's pictures and energies affected your body this lifetime. 

Each week will be focused on a different topic. Past topics have included self-affinity, community, and wellness.

Prerequisites: A female body, and it is strongly recommended that you complete Meditation 1 and either Healing 1 or Women’s Intuition first.

Get more information

Women’s Creativity

Women’s Creativity helps facilitate how you use your female creative energy to heal and create for yourself. Release the myths and learn the spiritual mechanics of how to own this energy for yourself to heal and create. Discover how this energy affects your clairvoyant reading space and how to have amusement and neutrality to energies and beings that are attracted to your female creative energy. You’ll become aware of where you might unconsciously create for others and reset your energy in present time, validation, amusement, and havingness.

You will also be working with your Healing Mistress starting in Week 1. Please reach out to the teacher or a Women’s Staff member if you would like to receive a new Healing Mistress before class begins.

Prerequisite: A female body, and be a graduate of a Clairvoyant Program or a Clairvoyant Program student with director approval

WIT Lectures

Women’s Intuitive Training (WIT) lectures are open to all women. Join us in this special monthly lecture as we ground our ovaries, run our female creative energy, and receive healings. Get more information.

Prerequisite: A female body

Lady of the Lake

This annual women’s event is a Church of Divine Man tradition, typically taking place in late-Spring or Summer. Get more information.

Prerequisite: A female body

Women’s Retreats

We offer retreats for women through our Psychic Tours group. Get more information.

Prerequisite: A female body