Upcoming Novice Classes
The prerequisite for all classes is Meditation 1
See next section for information about our classes
Meditation 1
In Meditation 1, you gain spiritual insight and become more empowered than you have considered possible. Release stuck energy and move forward on your spiritual path. Develop your clairvoyance and prepare yourself for more advanced training. Get more information.
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. This class is the prerequisite for all other six-week classes.
Meditation 2
In Meditation 2, you build on the psychic tools learned in Meditation 1 to release patterns that do not work for you, reclaim your life force energy and focus more on what you want to create and manifest in your life. Get more information.
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1.
Healing 1
Healing is an energy change, which can affect physical changes. Learn to heal yourself as well as facilitate healing in others without sacrificing your life force energy. You learn to consciously work with a healing guide to clear blocks from the aura and chakras. Get more information.
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1.
Healing 2
Learn how to further heal yourself and heal others without giving away your good energy or taking on any negative energy. You'll learn how to consciously work with a second healing guide while still using your healing master from the Healing 1 class series. Get more information.
This class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 and Healing 1.
Women’s Intuition
This is a special meditation class for women designed to allow you to know what you’re truly capable of as a spirit in a female body. Learn to trust your intuition, develop confidence and be truly aware of your boundless female creativity. Get more information.
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1.
Male 1
In this special class for men, learn to validate who you are as a spiritual being with a male body in this lifetime. Explore and own your male energy, which is the unique spiritual vibration that powers the male body. Create a spiritual fellowship with other men in the vibration of cooperation and forgiveness.
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1. Get more information.
Male 2
In Male 2, you build on the psychic tools learned in Male 1 to validate who you are as a spiritual being with a male body this lifetime. Learn to create relationships from spiritual freedom and autonomy, and further unleash your male power.
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 and Male 1. Get more information.
Teen Meditation 1
In this Meditation I class designed specifically for adolescents and teenagers, you will learn how to develop your clairvoyance and trust your intuition. Learn psychic tools to help you protect your space and release energy that is not yours. Gain insight into who you are as a spirit and develop your clairvoyant abilities. Get more information.
This five-week class meets once a week for 1.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. This class is the prerequisite for all other six-week classes.
Women’s Healing
Your female energy is a powerful source; learn to use it for yourself! In this class, you will learn how to bring your healing agreement with your healing mistress into present time. You will learn how to deal with competition energy, how to heal yourself with your female energy, and you will learn the difference between male and female energy. You will increase your havingness, your ability to manifest your goals, and so much more!
This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy. Class is only available to students who have completed Meditation 1 and Women’s Intuition. Get more information.
Clases de Meditación en Español
Ofrecemos clases de meditación en español. En Meditación I and II, obtienes una visión espiritual y te vuelves más empoderado de lo que creías posible. Libera la energía atascada y avanza en tu camino espiritual. Desarrolle su clarividencia y prepárese para un entrenamiento más avanzado.
Estas clases de seis semanas se reúnen una vez por semana durante 2 horas. Llegue 30 minutos antes para recibir una sanación de aura y recuperar su energía.