The Clairvoyant Training Program
Are you looking for a road map to guide you through life’s challenges?
What if you could wake up every day and do the things you enjoy doing, knowing that you’ll be successful in all your endeavors? As a spiritually-centered human being, you consciously create your life; what you do, how you show up, who you align yourself with.
You can have a spiritually-centered life. When you consciously choose and create everything in your life, you set yourself free from patterns and each success builds upon itself.
Use your clairvoyance to discern your choices and see your own truth
Having this skill provides a model for creating healthy relationships, a fulfilling and meaningful career, and a thriving spiritual practice where you trust yourself at all times. No matter what challenges life presents to you, you are able to work your way through them and ultimately achieve your goals.
What if life is a game, and it’s meant to be fun?
What games do you play, where do you get stuck?
Do you know who you are and what you want in life? Or do you constantly find yourself a victim of life’s circumstances? If you are feeling lost, confused, unclear, or unmotivated, maybe you’re just playing the wrong game.
How are you spending your time? Is it with activities that inspire and nourish you, or are you withering on the vine? Do you keep finding yourself in the same old, stale, unhappy situations? Do you have the right tools to navigate life’s obstacles and challenges? Are you grabbing the simple solutions that are in front of you, or are you programmed to do it the hard way?
Who are the people you spend the most time with? Are they fun and supportive, do they have similar goals, can they validate and appreciate who you truly are, do they really get you? Or do you feel like a victim, being judged all the time, without anyone to support you? That’s a hard life to have.
Having your clairvoyance provides a model for creating healthy relationships, a fulfilling and meaningful career, and a thriving spiritual practice where you trust yourself at all times. No matter what challenges life presents to you, you are able to work your way through them and ultimately achieve your goals.
Are you ready to change and play a new game?
If so, our Clairvoyant Training Program is for you!
Our Clairvoyant Training Program is a one-year or two-year long, in-house or online program offered exclusively to those who are committed to developing their psychic abilities and using their clairvoyance to live a spiritually-centered life.
The program gives you all the help you need to create and implement a robust plan for long-term spiritual growth, awareness and understanding. It enables you to use your inner compass to guide you in your journey through life, so you can do the things you love doing, surround yourself with supportive relationships and have a purposeful life.
It is tailored to your own needs. The Clairvoyant Program includes classes, readings, spiritual counseling, workshops and other events to help you get new insights into your own spiritual heritage.
There are many spiritual teachings and traditions available in the world, so what makes the Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI) unique and different?
BPI is the oldest institution in the world to offer this type of high quality and thorough training of psychic development and awareness. Since 1973, BPI has graduated over 300,000 people from their 1-year and 2-year intensive programs. Using your intuitive abilities, you can increase your joy, enthusiasm and passion for life.
Here are some of our strongest beliefs that are reflected in the very foundations of the program:
Firstly, clarity trumps complexity.
BPI is a psychic kindergarten – a spiritual sanctuary to explore, develop, discover and play with your unique psychic abilities. The tools are taught in a kindergarten manner in an environment free of competition, judgement and programming. You will immediately be able to use the tools taught in class while the instructions are fresh in your mind.
Secondly, your own answers are better than those of anyone else.
Here at the Berkeley Psychic Institute, we don’t tell you what our truth is, we teach you tools to find your own truth and enable you to grow spiritually. You will receive hands on training from high caliber gifted psychics who will provide a safe, fun, supportive environment, and validate you every step of the way.
Thirdly, any plan is only as good as your ability to implement it.
That is why our program is intensive and one or two years long. Once you have completed all your program requirements, you will be extremely proficient with all the tools you have learned, have a thorough command of your psychic abilities, and have a level of self awareness previously unimaginable.
Finally, most people in the world are not using their psychic skills consciously.
You will have the support of your fellow students, teachers and staff, traveling on their own paths who can validate the uniqueness of your psychic adventures. When you have a group of people who are consciously using their intuitive abilities together, it creates a very powerful spiritual environment and agreement.
The main spiritual ability we teach is clairvoyance; the ability to be aware of energy within and around you and be neutral to it. From your clairvoyance, you get to see your own truth, have clarity and create effortlessly.
Be part of the Intensive Clairvoyant training program and discover your soul essence, who you truly are as a spirit. The creator of the universe is alive inside you, waiting for you to claim your birth right, your spiritual heritage. Let your soul essence flow through everything you do and in the relationships you have.
BPI’s Clairvoyant Program has 4 phases:
I. Beginning Classes – the building blocks for intuitive development, consisting of 6-six week classes
Basic Clairvoyant Tools
Energy Healing from Clairvoyance
Spirituality of Your Gender
II. Mechanics of Clairvoyance – opening the doors to limitless use of your tools
Discovering and Experiencing your Clairvoyant Energy
Creating Clarity
Applying Clairvoyant Tools in the psychic playground
III. Deepening The Intuitive Understanding – stepping into your psychic power
Awareness of your personal energetic patterns
Discerning The Truth from the Lie
Integrating the Spiritual Lesson
Creating the energy vibrations that supports your best growth
IV. Advanced Mechanics of Clairvoyance – discovering the treasures of your spiritual mansion
Advancing to Higher Realms of Energy
Past lives, akashic records, karma
Creative Rings, Genetic Entity
The astral body and astral travel
Uncovering your deepest challenges; moving through the fire and slaying the dragons.
Sign up for a Clairvoyant Program Interview
Prerequisite: Meditation 1
Questions? Please call us at 916-441-7780 or email Director at directorsacbpi@gmail.com