BPI Events

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Filtering by: “Afternoon Classes”

Meditation 1 - Afternoon

Meditation 1
Saturday Afternoon

May 24th - June 28th
4:00pm - 6:00pm Pacific Time

This class is offered online

Meditation 1 is the prerequisite for all other classes

In Meditation 1, you gain spiritual insight and become more empowered than you have considered possible. Release stuck energy and move forward on your spiritual path. Develop your clairvoyance and prepare yourself for more advanced training.

Get more information on our Meditation classes

This class meets once a week for ~2-2.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.

Teachers: Rev. Glenda

Session 4 - Meditation 1 (Sat Afternoon, May to Jun)
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Meditation 1 in Installments
Sale Price: $125.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks Original Price: $150.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Meditación 1 - Tarde

Meditación 1
Jueves en la tarde

15 de Agosto - 19 de Septiembre
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Esta clase se ofrece online

Esta clase es el requisito previo para todas las demás clases de seis semanas

En Meditación 1, obtendrás una visión espiritual y te volverás más empoderado de lo que creyeras posible. Libera tus bloqueos energéticos y avanza en tu camino espiritual. Desarrolla tu clarividencia y prepárate para un entrenamiento más avanzado.

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Esta clase de seis semanas se reúne una vez a la semana durante 2 horas. Llega 30 minutos antes para recibir una sanación del aura y hacer funcionar tu energía.

Teacher: Rev. Beatriz

Meditación 1 [Meditation 1]
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Clases en Cuotas
from $100.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Meditación 1 - Tarde

Meditación 1
Jueves en la tarde

15 de agosto - 19 de septiembre
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Esta clase se ofrece en línea.

Esta clase es el requisito previo para avanzar en las clases del Instituto Psíquico de Berkeley (BPI).

En Meditación 1, obtendrás una visión espiritual y te volverás más empoderado de lo que creyeras posible. Libera tus bloqueos energéticos y avanzarás en tu camino espiritual. Desarrolla tus habilidades clarividentes y te preparás para un entrenamiento más avanzado.

Obtener más información

Esta clase de seis semanas se reúne una vez a la semana durante 2 horas. Llega 30 minutos antes para recibir una sanación del aura y hacer funcionar tu energía.

Teacher: Rev. Beatriz

¡Dos por uno! Tenemos una especial para tu inscripción. Recibe tu código a través de tu correo electrónico después de que te registres para que lo use tu amigo cuando se inscriba.

Meditación 1 [Meditation 1]
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Clases en Cuotas
from $100.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Meditación 1 - Tarde

Meditación 1
Jueves en la tarde

16 de Mayo - 20 de Junio
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Esta clase se ofrece online

Esta clase es el requisito previo para todas las demás clases de seis semanas

En Meditación 1, obtendrás una visión espiritual y te volverás más empoderado de lo que creyeras posible. Libera tus bloqueos energéticos y avanza en tu camino espiritual. Desarrolla tu clarividencia y prepárate para un entrenamiento más avanzado.

Obtener más información

Esta clase de seis semanas se reúne una vez a la semana durante 2 horas. Llega 30 minutos antes para recibir una sanación del aura y hacer funcionar tu energía.

Teacher: Rev. Beatriz

Meditación 1 [Meditation 1]
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Clases en Cuotas
from $100.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Meditación 1 - Tarde

Meditación 1
Jueves en la tarde

16 de Mayo - 20 de Junio
4:30pm - 6:30pm

Esta clase se ofrece online

Esta clase es el requisito previo para todas las demás clases de seis semanas

En Meditación 1, obtendrás una visión espiritual y te volverás más empoderado de lo que creyeras posible. Libera tus bloqueos energéticos y avanza en tu camino espiritual. Desarrolla tu clarividencia y prepárate para un entrenamiento más avanzado.

Obtener más información

Esta clase de seis semanas se reúne una vez a la semana durante 2 horas. Llega 30 minutos antes para recibir una sanación del aura y hacer funcionar tu energía.

Teacher: Rev. Beatriz

Meditación 1 [Meditation 1]
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Clases en Cuotas
from $100.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Male 1 - Afternoon

Male 1
Saturday Afternoon

April 6th - May 11th
2:30pm - 4:30pm Pacific Time

This class is offered online

Prerequisite: Meditation 1 and a male body

This class is designed for men to validate who they are as spiritual beings in a male body this lifetime. You are invited to use what you learn in this class to build the life you envision. This class offers space to:

  • Explore your unique male energy vibration in a spiritual setting

  • Find your own truth about the male/female dichotomy

  • Separate from the male and female energies of others

  • Practice male self-healing

  • Discover the natural pace of your male body

  • Release the vibrations of guilt and responsibility

Get more information on our Novice Classes

This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.

Teacher: Rev. Stuart

Session 3 - Male 1 (Sat Afternoon, Apr to May)
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Men's Classes in Installments
Sale Price: $125.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks Original Price: $150.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Male 1 - Afternoon

Male 1
Saturday Afternoon

April 6th - May 11th
2:30pm - 4:30pm Pacific Time

This class is offered online

Prerequisite: Meditation 1 and a male body

This class is designed for men to validate who they are as spiritual beings in a male body this lifetime. You are invited to use what you learn in this class to build the life you envision. This class offers space to:

  • Explore your unique male energy vibration in a spiritual setting

  • Find your own truth about the male/female dichotomy

  • Separate from the male and female energies of others

  • Practice male self-healing

  • Discover the natural pace of your male body

  • Release the vibrations of guilt and responsibility

Get more information on our Novice Classes

This six-week class meets once a week for 2 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

Registration ends on the day before the second week of class.

Teacher: Rev. Stuart & Rev. Dominic

Session 3 - Male 1 (Sat Afternoon, Apr to May)
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
Men's Classes in Installments
Sale Price: $125.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks Original Price: $150.00 every 2 weeks for 4 weeks
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Your Own Birth for Men - Afternoon

Your Own Birth for Men
Creativity & Expression
Saturday Afternoon

August 19th & 26th; September 2nd, 16th, & 30th; and October 7th
(no class September 9th or 23rd)
2:00pm - 4:30pm Pacific Time

Recommended: Meditation 1 and Healing 1 or Male 1

Prerequisite: a male body

Your Own Birth is a special class that was first taught by our Founder, VRR Dr. Lewis S. Bostwick.  He knew that in order to move certain energies you sometimes have to go back to conception and work the pictures from that point to birth.

This 6-week class will take you from preconception to birth meditating on how your family's pictures and energies affected your male body this lifetime and it’s ability to create and communicate.

Register in advance to join us for all 6 weeks of each session, or register each week to join us for for one or more of the weeks

Please click here for more information and to register.

Teacher: Rev. Calvin Murasaki

Please note that this class is only available to students with a male body, and it is strongly recommended that you complete Meditation 1 and either Healing 1 or Male 1 first.

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Meditation 1 for Teens - Afternoon

  • 5260 Elvas Avenue Sacramento, CA, 95819 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meditation 1 for Teens
Thursday Afternoon

July 6th - August 3rd, 2023
4:30pm - 6:00pm Pacific Time

This class is the prerequisite for all other beginning classes

Meditation 1 for Teens is specifically designed for adolescents and teenagers. In this class, you will learn how to develop your clairvoyance and trust your intuition. Learn psychic tools to help you protect your space and release energy that is not yours. Gain insight into who you are as a spirit and develop your clairvoyant abilities.

Get more information on our Meditation classes

This five-week class meets once a week for 1.5 hours. Arrive 30 minutes early to receive an aura healing and run your energy.

This class is offered in-person and online on Zoom.

If siblings would like to take this class together, please contact us for registration options.

Teacher: Rev. Robyn

Session 5 - Meditation 1 for Teens (Thu PM, Jul to Aug)
Sale Price: $250.00 Original Price: $300.00
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